Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tea & Cookies

My Mom was given the prettiest package of floral cookies for her birthday this week. We decided that they were the perfect thing to serve when my Aunt came for a visit. These sweet treats elevated "a cup of tea" into a little birthday party. We made a pot of English Breakfast, arranged the cookies on an antique plate and settled in for an afternoon of catching up. The next time you are considering extra-special cookies - get them! They can turn an afternoon into an occasion.


Anonymous said...

I am so delighted to see that you found the cookies worthy of your blog! When Emily and I were visiting Catherine and Laura in Cincinnati last weekend we went to our favorite french pastry shop, the Bon Bonnerie! They have the most beautiful cakes and cookies and we also had a fabulous lunch in their tea room. You would love it! Emily and I had fun chosing the cookies for Louise. I'm glad you enjoyed them! Love,Nicole xoxo

Anne Reeves said...

Yea! Mom was so thrilled that she had them to serve her sister. It was the perfect present. I'd LOVE to go to Bon Bonnerie sometime. Maybe we need a Cincinnati field-trip! Anne