Sunshine & Time
Have you ever grown nasturtiums? Known on my street as the "eat-able" flowers (you remember my Garden Club Girls, right?), nasturtiums are easy to grow from seed and are edible (if you avoid sprays and fertilizer). My Mom & I rely on Renee's Garden Seeds for our garden and have already ordered this year's assortment. With names like "Whirlybird" and "Creamsicle," how can you resist? Simply fill a pot with dirt, push the seeds in and water. After that, all you need is sunshine & time. These bright blooms are beautiful in arrangements and striking on their own.
"Creamsicle" - what a fantastic word! We had nasturtiums in our garden when I was a child - they were the traditional orange and I didn't know that hybrids of pretty pinks had been developed. It had never occurred to me to plant one in a pot either because I am so used to seeing them running riot in the garden. I think I'll try the pots ...
Another brilliant idea from my friend Anne Reeves!!
Very pretty!
Thanks! Nasturtiums are such a fun flower to have around.
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