Free Inspiration
I love magazines so much and my instinct is to reach for every issue on the newsstand, particularly around the holidays. Put cupcakes on the cover and I am a goner. It was around this time of year that I realized the genius of the library. If I could carve out 30 minutes or so to stop in the library, I was able to "flip through" every issue on the newsstand for free. I subscribe to tons of magazines and want to support them, but there are "more magazines than I can have" being published right now.
By visiting the library, I can check out the Sweetheart Cakes at Better Homes and Garden, winter travel destinations at Travel & Leisure and see some Valentine's projects in Country Home.
12 Days of Valentine's Day
Day 10: Check out your local library for some free inspiration.
Well there's another idea I hadn't thought of yet! I usually only buy one or two magazines a month so I miss out on so much so the library idea is brilliant.
Thanks - I think it is really fun to have them all at my disposal - love the library!
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