Tuesday, February 7, 2012

12 Days of Valentine's Day: Day 5, Love My Purse and Everything in It

This 12 Days of Valentine's Day post is about putting things that you LOVE in your purse, like this package of heart print tissues or a new Revlon lipstick in "Love That Pink". 
Today someone actually asked me if I had a Kleenex, and when I handed them a heart-covered tissue, it was well received.  Why wouldn't you want something fun and whimsical?  Sometimes it is the little things that can brighten your day the most.
Speaking of brightening your day, what do you think about my new purse?  It is clear neon yellow and pink and gets a lot of attention whenever I carry it.  Dare I say that I love it?  Yes, yes I do!  I had told my friend that I was looking for an old fashioned "Queen of England" type purse in an unreasonable material.  When I saw this on the shelf and rushed over, I could see that she couldn't believe that I had found what I had made up.
I bought it at Forever 21 in Honolulu, but I can see that it is available online, so I assume that it is in shops across the country.  Are you feeling daring enough to carry a clear neon handbag, old chap? 

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