Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Herb Appeal

This is the goal: a healthy herb pot on the patio at the cottage, shown here on one of my Ana's Delight Totes (if you want a tote with this cover, just email me).  I am happy to report that we will have planted our herb pots one week from today!

My dad and I always celebrate Father's Day by planting herb pots together.  His pot stays up north and we cook from it all Summer.  Mine travels back home with me, wrapped in a plastic bag and gently wedged between a laundry basket of weekend clothes and, say, an electric ice cream maker.  It always makes it home, but I'm a little nervous until it is taken out of the car, unbroken.

Last Summer we didn't make an herb pot for the first time in years and we both missed it terribly.  We blame a combination of timing, weather and travel schedules;  we didn't have a great selection of herbs and the time to pot them intersect. So....this herb pot feels even more important.

Last week we went to Wiegand's and we thrilled to find: Ginger Mint, Lemon Thyme, Dill, Chocolate Mint, Variagated Sage, Orange Mint, Parsley, Hot n Spicy Oregano...  It was an herb specialists dream!

Father's Day is Sunday and we will be planting together by Tuesday.  Can you see me smiling?

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