Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Brand New Year

Hello!  Happy New Year!  I hope that you are happy and healthy - that you've spent the last 30 days eating pie, hugging your family and getting glitter on your clothes.  I personally feel wonderful.  But my blog has had some real gaps in the last few weeks and I'm sorry.

This was the first year that I couldn't "live the life" and document it in real time.  Those of you that follow my on Facebook and Twitter knew that my holidays were packed with fun.

So today I am actually going to go backwards a bit.  I have photos from the holidays that you must see.  Pictures of how projects turned out and decorations that I made and want to show you.  So, I have retro-blogging to do to make this holiday season make sense.  Come back tomorrow and scroll through December.  You'll see a much better picture of a glorious holiday season.

Happy New Year! xo Anne

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