Saturday, January 5, 2013

Downton Abbey, Season 3

Kindred Spirits Unite!  Tomorrow night (January 6, 2013) in America, PBS is broadcasting the premier of Season 3 of our beloved miniseries, Downton Abbey

It has been a long wait.  I absolutely love this mini-series and have had fun introducing it to my friend, Corinne.  When I was in Hawaii visiting her last January, Season 2 started.  I wanted to watch, but she hadn't seen any of Season 1.  So she bought Season 1 "on demand" and every night we watched an episode of Season 1 together.  By Sunday we had caught her up on 8 or so episodes and she was ready to continue the saga with me.  It was so much fun seeing her gasp (the bar of soap left on the floor!) or look at me (Mr. Pamuk!) as Season 1 plots twists happened.

It looks like you can watch prior episodes for free on, if you need a Downton refresher course.  Enjoy! 

And be sure to set your DVR to record tomorrow night!  My friends in England and France have already seen the complete Season 3 and they loved  it.  This feeling was corroborated today by a woman at IKEA.  I was sitting next to a woman and mentioned that we were a bit crazy to be out shopping in the crowds today.  She agreed that she had never seen it so busy.  I said that it was okay because at least tomorrow we could reward ourselves by staying home and watching Downton Abbey. She practically shrieked when I named the show and she quickly gave me a high five.  She said her friend has an advance copy of the new season and that she had watched almost all of Season 3.  She told me that I was going to drop what I was holding during certain scenes - it's that good!   

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