Friday, September 7, 2012

Looking For Quiet

If you have followed my blog since January, you know that I have been on-the-move this year.  I have been to 10 states in 7 months and although I love all of the glorious photos that I can share with you, I need to write!

I am home, my laptop is ready and I am thrilled to be working toward completion of my next book.  I will keep you posted and and when it is finished, you'll be able to order it here first.  If you want to catch up with my first two titles (Moments of Delight or Paris: Delight in the City of Light) you can buy them in the blog sidebar or on Amazon.

My photo today represents "Peace and Quiet" - exactly what I need to really get things done.  No matter what your project is, may you get the peace and quiet you need to be really productive.

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