Book Sculpture
For years I have been interested in the art of turning old books into sculpture by making exact repetitive folds in the pages. The examples I have seen are truly spectacular - little works of art. Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion had an article full of beautiful examples of book sculpture along with some basic instructions. If there was a link, I'd share it, but no such luck!
Someday when my library has a book sale, I will try to find an old copy of Nancy Drew and make one for myself. Yesterday, for the first time, I saw some of these sculptures for sale...price tag $500 each.
In kindergarten we made a turkey out of folded, spray-painted editions of Readers Digest. I loved that thing, no matter how much glittery junk it left on the Thanksgiving table. Thanks for reminding me of an early love. It's always fun reading your blog.
Could you tell me what issue of Mary Engelbreit had the book sculpture article in it?
Suz - I have been driving myself crazy trying to find the issue! It is no longer online, so I need to find the actual issue 9not sure which date/month) I wanted you to know that i am still looking for you! wish me luck!
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