Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Craft Show Find: Upcycled Grocery Notebooks

I saw them and I had to have them.  Grocery Notebooks.  I kid you not.  I was at the Leland Art Show last month and I wandered into Laura Wright's booth (she doesn't have a website now, but if I ever get it, I'll link to it here. Her phone is 231-624-0090, if you want to ask about upcoming shows).

Her focus is on paper goods and accordion scrapbooks, but she has started dabbling in these grocery notebooks.  The best possible upcycling, as far as I'm concerned.  She has taken the front and back of cereal boxes, cracker boxes and artisanal beer 6-packs (genius) and used the art of the packaging to make spiral bound notebooks.

She had me at the Rice Krispies (only $1 for the notebook!), but I soon started handing her more and more.  My mom was drawn to the sand dune water scene and insisted I get it to keep by the phone in my kitchen.  She was right, of course, it looks beautiful there and reminds me of Sleeping Bear dunes.  Notice that this was a 2-pack.  A narrow pocket notebook is displayed on top, mirroring the scene, and held in place by rubber bands.

You never know when you will find an artist that is doing something beautiful...and interesting.  Keep your eye out.  Laura Wright, bravo! 


Unknown said...

This is so cute! Thanks for sharing, Anne.

Anne Reeves said...

You are welcome! I love it when packaging gets "upcycled" into something cute!