Monday, September 30, 2013

The Power of Cute: A Cherry Tale

Finding Delight is about celebrating the beauty of everyday life.  This pie is an example of how one simple touch can take something very basic (baked pie crust) and turn it into something worth talking about.

Making a pie is easier than you think, especially when you have a perfect pie crust "on hand" in the refrigerator.  Thank you, Pillsbury. The single thing that elevates this pie is the fact that I carved cherries (because it's a cherry pie) into the store-bought dough. A design that took me less than 1 minute to create.

The design shows the power of cute.  When you go to a little bit of trouble, it can make all the difference.  

"A Cherry Tale" Pie

2 Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts (1 box has 2 crusts)
4 cups washed and pitted tart cherries
3/4 cup white sugar
3 Tablespoons quick tapioca
1 tsp lemon juice
1 egg, beaten

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Open the box of pie crusts, remove one crust from the plastic wrap and unroll it onto a greased glass pie plate.  Using the tines of a fork, gently make dots in the crust every few inches - this will allow the steam to vent as the crust bakes. Bake crust according to directions on box.

Mix cherries, sugar, tapioca and lemon juice in a large bowl.  Allow to sit 15-20 minutes.  Stir well and pour into baked crust.  Open the second package of dough and unroll the dough onto the top of the pie.  Pinch dough strips to edge of pie shell to seal the strip.  Using a sharp knife, carefully cut a design into the crust - I chose to make a design of cherries with leaves.

Brush crust lattice and rim with a beaten egg. Sprinkle entire top of pie with a little white sugar.

Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.  Serve warm or at room temperature with creamy vanilla ice cream.  Enjoy!

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